The decay of the constructs of society and social morality were a major Modernist concern, which is prevalent in many of Eliot’s works. This issue in many ways was most likely brought upon by the aftermath and the horrors the world experienced of WWI. The massive loss of life was mostly brought upon by the advancement of technology; these new inventions were synonymous to the advancements made in the industrialisation, which enabled the mass production of weaponry. Such progress resulted in the new inventions of deadly weaponry, which subjected those affected to a slow and painful death. This created the view that the previous Renaissance and Enlightenment models of reality were disintegrating indicating the decay of social morality. In Rhapsody on a Windy Night the first indication of deterioration arises in “a madman shakes a
The decay of the constructs of society and social morality were a major Modernist concern, which is prevalent in many of Eliot’s works. This issue in many ways was most likely brought upon by the aftermath and the horrors the world experienced of WWI. The massive loss of life was mostly brought upon by the advancement of technology; these new inventions were synonymous to the advancements made in the industrialisation, which enabled the mass production of weaponry. Such progress resulted in the new inventions of deadly weaponry, which subjected those affected to a slow and painful death. This created the view that the previous Renaissance and Enlightenment models of reality were disintegrating indicating the decay of social morality. In Rhapsody on a Windy Night the first indication of deterioration arises in “a madman shakes a