1. Open the Internet and go to the following website: http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/immigration/tour/ 2. Read the introduction and answer the following question:
How many immigrants came through Ellis Island on their way to America? [1] More than 12 million
3. Click on “Learn more about Ellis Island” and answer the following questions:
Where is Ellis Island located? [1] In New York Harbor, near Manhattan
Who was the President that established an immigration station on Ellis Island? [1] Benjamin Harrison
In what year did Ellis Island close? [1] 1954 Who operates Ellis Island now? 1] U.S. National Park Service.
4. Click on “Start the Tour.”
5. The first stop is THE Passage [1]
6. Read the “Story” and answer the following questions:
Most of the immigrants who came through Ellis Island were from eastern and southern Europe [2].
What are two reasons they came to America? [2] 1) Came to escape the poverty
2) Religious intolerance
How long did the trip across the Atlantic take? One to two weeks
[1]What is “steerage?” a large, open space at the bottom of the ship
[1] Approximately how many people were on each steamship? 13,000 people
7. Click on “Learn More” under “Did you Know?” What are three benefits to traveling by steamship instead of sailing ship?[3]
1) It takes a shorter amount of time
2) Tickets where less expensive
3) Prevent diseases from spreading onboard
8. View the Photos. Take a moment to think about the mental, physical, and emotional difficulties immigrants faced before they even arrived in America. If your parents had decided to emigrate, what would have been most difficult for you?[2] walking a long distance and leaving my friends that probably didn’t decide to emigrate.
9. Click the “Next” arrow to get to Stop 2.
10. What is the second stop? The Arrival [1]
11. Read the “Story” and answer the following questions:
What was one of the first