The Case of the Elusive Car Salesman
I was pacing around Lexington, waiting for my local mechanic to finish the latest repairs on my 77 Chevy Impala. My name's Yesterday, Sam Yesterday. It was hot in Lexington, by that is not uncommon for mid-July. I'd had a good several months, and I was in good financial position for th
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Can Computers Think? the Case for and Against Artificial Intelligence
Can Computers Think? The Case For and Against Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence has been the subject of many bad "80's" movies and countless science fiction novels. But what happens when we seriously consider the question of computers that think. Is it possible for computers t
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The Anti-Trust Case Against Microsoft
The Anti-Trust Case Against …show more content…
Arbitrator, the termination of the employment of Mr. Seichek, by the Wheelwright Corporation, was for his "sleeping on the job". Lets examine this stated reason - in the light of the evidence provided by witness testimony and co
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Court Case Number 15: Bowers V. Hardwick (June 30, 1986)
Court Case Number 15: Bowers v. Hardwick (June 30, 1986) In August of 1982, Michael Hardwick was charged with violating the Georgia statute criminalizing sodomy by committing that act with another adult male in the bedroom of Hardwick's home. Hardwick then brought suit in the Federal District C
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Euthanasia and the Robert Latimer Case
Euthanasia and the Robert Latimer Case Euthanasia is undoubtedly an issue that plagues the minds of those living with children or adults who are severely disabled. Rarely is one found to have a neutral' outlook upon it; that is, a side must be chosen, for or against. It is too delicate a topic t
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Greenspan - the Case for the