Software’s used:
i] CodeVision AVR C Compiler; ii] AVR Assembler for Windows; iii] PROTEUS VSM.;
About the software’s used:
CodeVisionAVR (VERSION 1.23):
CodeVisionAVR is a C cross-compiler, Integrated Development Environment and Automatic Program Generator designed for the Atmel AVR family of microcontrollers.
The program is a native 32bit application that runs under the Windows 95, 98, NT 4, 2000 and XP operating systems.
The C cross-compiler implements nearly all the elements of the ANSI C language, as allowed by the AVR architecture, with some features added to take advantage of specificity of the AVR architecture and the embedded system needs.
The compiled COFF object files can be C source level debugged, with variable watching, using the Atmel AVR Studio and Phyton PICE-AVR debuggers.
The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) has a built-in AVR Chip In-System Programmer software that enables the automatic transfer of the program to the microcontroller chip after a successful compilation/assembly.
For debugging embedded systems, which employ serial communication, the IDE has a built-in Terminal.
Besides the standard C libraries, the CodeVisionAVR C compiler has dedicated libraries for:
• Alphanumeric LCD modules
• Philips I2C bus
• National Semiconductor LM75 Temperature Sensor
• Philips PCF8563, PCF8583, Dallas Semiconductor DS1302 and DS1307 Real Time Clocks
• Dallas Semiconductor 1 Wire protocol
• Dallas Semiconductor DS1820/DS1822 Temperature Sensors
• Dallas Semiconductor DS1621 Thermometer/Thermostat
• Dallas Semiconductor DS2430 and DS2433 EEPROMs
• Power management
• Delays
• Gray code conversion
CodeVisionAVR also contains the CodeWizardAVR Automatic Program Generator, which allows you to write, in a matter of minutes, all the code needed for implementing the following functions:
• External memory access setup
• Chip reset source identification
• Input/Output Port