Florian Lechner, Daniel Walter csad5478@uibk.ac.at, csae8958@uibk.ac.at November 8, 2006
This text provides a brief introduction to the wide field of embedded systems. It covers the history and the main aspects of hard- and software design for embedded systems. The basic concepts of synthesis and automated verification are introduced and a short overview of well-known metrics, which are used to describe the economical and technical attributes of a system, is provided. Additionally the differences between commonly used operating systems are discussed.
Figure 1: Minuteman I Guidance System
Embedded systems are computers which are part of special-purpose devices. Due to the limited duties this systems can be highly optimized to the particular needs. Traditionally most of this systems are used for control and process measurement, as a side-effect of higher integration of integrated circuits more complex applications can be solved by embedded systems. To be able to solve this problems embedded systems are commonly equipped with various kinds of peripherals. Early applications of embedded devices include the guidance computer of the Minuteman I missiles and the Apollo guidance computer. The Minuteman I & II missiles are intercontinental ballistic nuclear warheads, produced by Boeing in the 1960’s. Due to the large quantities of ICs used in the guidance system of Minuteman II missiles, prices for ICs fell from 1000$ each to 3$ each. This lead to wide adoption of embedded systems in consumerelectronics in the 1980’s.
Nowadays embedded systems can be found in devices from digital watches to traffic-control systems. The broad range of applications with totally different requirements lead to various implementation approaches. The range of hardware used in embedded systems reaches from FPGAs to full blown desktop CPUs which are accompanied by specialpurpose ICs such as DSPs. On the software side, depending