The book Righteous Dopefiend is an essential study to the field of social work in understanding the life of a substance user and the contributors and consequences of the unhealthy addiction. The story of Tina, and many others enhanced the readers understanding of an addict’s journey for the next “fix”. In the mist of the journey, the authors contributed a sense of family and community among the studies’ participants. In addition, the authors discussed two favorable suppositions; such as, the lack of post-detox treatments and how childhood trauma or trauma in general can contribute to the use of substances. Post-detoxification treatment is essential for the well-being of a client addicted to drugs.…
In the first part of this essay, Mate comments on the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, indicating that it is known as the area in Canada most heavily populated by addicts. He states that much of the addict population also struggles with mental illness. He explains the role of methadone in quelling painful withdrawal from opiates, going on to provide an anecdote of the effect of an opiate drug on the user from one of his clients: “The first time I did heroin…it was like a warm, soft hug.” (Mate, 273) Several scientific pieces of evidence provide reasons for susceptibility to addiction both biologically and emotionally. He indicates that certain neurotransmitters are required to self-soothe and control pain, stating that “Infant rats who get less grooming from their mothers will have fewer natural benzo receptors in the part of the brain that controls anxiety. “ (Mate 275) He says that humans require the same consideration in regards to stimulation of receptors in the brain, stating that the less an infant receives stimulation that triggers a release of endorphins, the greater the likelihood of addiction.…
Katie is a 35-year-old professional woman, wife and mother of two small children. Katie was first introduced to pain medications after a car accident left her with an injured lower back. The pain medications she took, began a neurobiological response in Katie’s brain that she had no control over. Narcotics take aim at the brains reward system, saturating it with dopamine, giving the user a feeling of pleasure (“Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Brain,” n.d. p. 2). Katie’s brain began to acclimate to the dopamine surges. Which in turn, the brain generates less dopamine and or decreases the dopamine receptors. This made Katie use more and more drugs, to continually try and attain the dopamine high (“Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Brain,” n.d. p. 2) Brain imaging studies show that areas of the brain that regulate judgement, behavior control, learning and memory are affected by drug addiction. These changes create the abuser to seek out and take drugs compulsively (“Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Brain,” n.d. p.1). This began Katie’s addiction to prescription pain medications.…
Addicts live in a world full of self-hatred and shame, and a multitude of these individuals do not want anyone to know the truth about their pain. Our textbook states that “ninety-five percent of untreated alcoholics die of alcoholism an average of 26 years early even if their death certificate might read they died of heart disease, cancer, or something else to protect the family, but the real reason they died is due to addiction” (Perkinson, 2012, p. 2). An individual’s repeated drug use causes long-lasting changes in their brain which causes long-lasting changes in their brain which causes the addict to lose voluntary control. The individual’s addiction is their only way of feeling normal which makes them feel hopeless, powerless, helpless,…
The effect of addiction have consumed billions of individuals all over the world, not only consume but also killed. Individuals have relied on drugs to fill the void in their life that is missing. The addict is not only hurting themselves from the drug use but their families, friends, and their community. In this paper, it will give a description of a 21-year-old male named Anthony. Anthony started using marijuana at the age of 20, trying to hide the pain from the death of his sister. Eventually, marijuana was not enough to get Anthony the extra high he wanted which Anthony made the choice to try another drug and eventually it became the love of his life.…
Mate is a physician; he lives in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside which he considers as the drug capital of Canada. He also estimates addict population in Vancouver is around 3,000 to 5,000 individuals. Mate uses scientific research to identify the essence of “high”, which is condition under the influence of drugs. He defines addiction as the state of “emotional anesthetic and numbing pain” (273) caused by opiates like cocaine, heroin, tranquilizer, or any combination of chemicals. And Maté says the human brain has opiate receptors that interact with endorphins; natural opiate-like substances that can reduce pain and regulate mood. In particular, he confirms opiates can develop a “high” excitement which can induce users to temporarily escape from depressions and to feel better (273). Moreover, he insists that drugs can instantly make people become addicted after a few attempts. As an expression of an addictive twenty-seven year-old sex trade worker: “it felt like a warm, soft hug” (273), Maté suggests this feeling is one of the reasons why people become addicted. Besides, Maté points out the importance of “interaction of parenting figures” (274) as it releases endorphins in infant brains, which helps children control stress and tension. Therefore, he informs that endorphins play a role as an important substance in promoting the development of children brains. In contrast, he also emphasizes on the fact that children who grow up with less parenting connections could not release sufficient endorphins for brain development; they tend to be more…
Bowers, M. (2000). Young people and problem drug use : The role of attachment theory and family background. (Order No. U135553, University of Leicester (United Kingdom)). PQDT - UK & Ireland, Retrieved from (301545184).…
Gabor Maté, in his article “Embraced by the Needle,” encourages people to understand the addiction to drugs is a result of deep unhappiness that occurs in an individual early in life (273-75). Maté shows in a Portland non-profit harm-reduction facility that he works at, the methadone prescribed does not help the emotional suffering that the addicts endure. Although methadone may halt the effects of withdrawal, there is no “high” created, according to Maté. He also asserts that drugs alone are not the source of addiction and that statistics show that only 8 per cent to 15 per cent of individuals who use substances, such as marijuana, become addicted. This small percentile margin of addiction, Maté argues, supports the position that addiction…
For many years, individuals have battled substance abuse and addiction. My position comes from hearing about it, having seeing results from it, and reading about it, also developing my own thoughts about addiction. Weil and Rosen (1993) believe that a drug use (and addiction) results from humans longing for a sense of completeness and wholeness, and searching for satisfaction outside of themselves. McNeece and DiNitto (2012) says the reason why people continue to use drugs to the point of becoming a physically and/ or psychologically dependent on them are more complex, some have tried to explain this phenomenon as a deficit in moral values, a disease, conditioning or learned behavior, or as a genetic prosperity. Still some see it as a “rewiring” of the brain (Mc Neece & DiNitto, 2012). At this point, there is no one single theory that adequately explains addiction (McNeece & DiNitto, 2012).…
In its “normal” state, Maté explains that the human brain has opiate receptors that interact with endorphins, natural opiate-like substances that can reduce pain and regulate mood. However for some people who suffer early childhood stressors, their ability to naturally produce these positive effects is significantly reduced. They are the ones who are susceptible to addiction. Maté’s thesis is that as these children mature, they look for ways to manage their stress or tension. This belief is expressed by the words of an addicted twenty-seven year-old sex trade worker: “it felt like a warm, soft hug” (273). Moreover, Maté insists that for these people, drug use can very quickly become an addiction. Therefore, addiction becomes defined as the state of “emotional anesthetic and numbing pain” (273) caused by opiates like cocaine, heroin, tranquilizer, or any combination of chemicals.…
“Embraced by the Needle” (published in the Globe and Mail) by Gabor Maté, states the effects on a person that do not have a loving and nurturing home in their younger years may turn to drugs later on. Maté is a staff physician at Portland Hotel; which is Downtown Eastside Vancouver where there is a population of drug addicts of 3000 to 5000. Most of Maté’s clients are mentally ill and are addicted to drugs like cocaine, alcohol, heroin, and tranquilizers.…
Adolescents are more venerable than adults to substance abuse due to several developmental factors. Substance abuse can compromise an adolescent’s psychological and social development in…
The novels, Tweak by Nic Sheff and Beautiful Boy by David Sheff have shed an enormous amount of light on a topic that most of the population tries to avoid and pretend doesn’t exist: drug addiction. These novels are both compelling and haunting. They leave the reader anxiously turning each page, unable to read quick enough. Both sides of a drug addiction story, the addicts and the families of addicts, are told with deep sincerity and powerful insight. Because of these novels countless of people have a changed perspective towards addiction, sobriety, and strength. Addicts are not solely comprised of their addiction and addiction does not equal strength. People should not be ashamed to talk about their life story, Nic Sheff explained that “[He’s] come to discover that holding on to secrets about who [he is] and where [he came] from is toxic. [His] secrets will kill [him]” (Sheff, N., 2009, p.322). These novels have challenged society’s “hush, hush” mentality about addiction, and have brought an intimate insight into how addicts and families of addicts think and feel. This information will greatly change addiction treatment, therapy, and the Social Work profession.…
Schepis TS, Adinoff B, & Rao U (2008). Neurobiological processes in adolescent addictive disorders. The American Journal on Addictions; 17:6–23. [PubMed: 18214718]…
Youth do not know how to control themselves when it comes to these addictions. They often abuse their power. They do not know when to stop or when to seek help when needed. These addictions of drugs and alcohol can start from the influences of friends and family. Once they are hooked onto these substances, they have a hard time letting go, like a leech feeding on the blood of their host. Most children have easy access to drugs or alcohol because their parents use these substances at home and leave them around the house. Youth will do anything in their power to find a way to get these substances in their hands. The American Journal of Public Health reports 80% of homeless youth use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate for dealing with the traumatic experiences and abuse they have in their lives (Greene, Ennett, Ringwalt 231). Due to the many traumatic experiences in their lives, it is difficult to stop the cycle of…