Embryonic Stem Cell Research Is Not Ethical. Dennis P. Hollinger. At Issue: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. Ed. Maurya Siedler. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005.…
Mrs. Dubose’s role in the movie should be expanded. In the book, Mrs. Dubose verbally attacks Jem and Scout each time they pass her house. One day she tells them “[Atticus] is no…
Embryos are essentially microscopic human beings. Regardless of what good they may provide to the field of medicine, the ethical controversies surrounding embryonic stem cell research are profound. Stem cells, the cells used by the human body to replenish damaged tissue, are found in both embryonic and adult form. At the adult level, stem cells can be extracted from bone marrow, but the real ethical debate arises when embryonic stem cells are introduced. “Pluripotent” embryonic stem cells are among the only type that can form any of over 200 cell types, making it the most useful and versatile. These cells are isolated from the inner cell mass of the embryo when extracted, and subsequently terminates the embryo itself, which is technically manslaughter. However, it must also be noted that embryonic stem cell research can provide effective treatments and even cures for those in need of organ transplants and other irremediable predicaments. Therefore, it is safe to say, from a utilitarian perspective, that the essential “death” of one embryo can save the lives of many, and with Jeremy Bentham’s phrase “the greatest good for the greatest number”; I believe that embryonic stem cell research is ethical.…
Doctors, researchers, patients and virtually anyone interested in the future of medicine are intrigued by the key role human embryonic stem cell research could have in curing well-known diseases such as cancer. As much as people are curious about how it could advance medicine in incredible ways, there remains the issue of whether finding a cure using human embryos is ethically sound. The answer to this question is heavily dependent on what status society should accord to the human embryo. Bonnie Steinbock’s “The science, policy, and ethics of stem cell research” is an article published on Reproductive BioMedicine Online that digs deep into this ongoing ethical conflict.…
In 2009, President Barack Obama used an executive order to lift certain limitations on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research (“Embryos and Unintended Consequences”). In 1973, the United States legalized abortion with the landmark supreme court case Roe vs. Wade. According to The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, stems cells are, “a renewable source of tissue that can be coaxed to become different cell types of the body.” Embryonic stem cells in particular are, “stem cells derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors” (Stem Cell Basics III). The conflict of what is considered “ethical” in regards to unborn human…
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent(able to grow) stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage preimplantation embryo. Embryonic stem cells can form any possible cells in the body. These stem cells are used to better understand and treat diseases. They also help scientist understand how diseases occur/develop. Rapid advantages in research on the embryonic stem cells derived from human embryos have collided with opposing views regarding the morality of using human embryos for these purposes. Seeing that there are laws on almost everything, there are laws on stem cells as well. These laws have been a big source of controversy and they vary by country. In Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Greece, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands, stem cell research using the human embryo is permitted in these countries. While in Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy and Portugal, it is illegal.…
Embryonic stem cell research is widely controversial in the scientific world. Issues on the ethics of Embryonic Stem (ES) cell research have created pandemonium in our society. The different views on this subject are well researched and supportive. The facts presented have the capability to support or possibly change the public's perspective. This case study is based on facts and concerns that much of the research done on embryonic stem cells is derived from human embryos. This case study will provide others with a more in depth view of both sides of this great debate.…
Stem cell research represents a new opportunity for ethical thought and debate. Stem cells are primitive cells which have yet to specialize. Through proper coaxing, stem cells can be made to differentiate into usable body cells and eventually used for medical treatment. Though stem cell technology has been in development since the 1960’s, it was not until August of 2001, when then-president George W. Bush announced that federal funds could be allotted to embryonic stem cell research, that the issue became a hot political topic. The matter is argued with vehement fervor, but the quarrels are wrought with emotivism and partisanship more than actual valid and cogent arguments. In fact, stem cell research has a very broad range of ethical implications. The normative ethical theories, the abortion debate, and even business ethics all have a place in the discussion due to the different new moral challenges which are prompted by this blossoming technology.…
Embryonic stem cells are stem cells that come from inner mass cells of a human embryo that are undifferentiated. They are a new and innovative way to help people of society, and with all innovative ideas comes controversy. Some people believe that embryonic stem cells should not be researched or toyed with, while others are all for it. Embryonic stem cell research is a positive thing that can enhance the world in several ways. It can boost the economy, save the lives of many people, and not offend any religions or people with religious beliefs at the same time.…
Parents and guardians what would you do if you just found out that your child was just murdered…
As the name suggests, embryonic stem cells are located in the embryo and can rebuild themselves into the same cell. These cells are undifferentiated meaning they can be used in all parts of the body which could potentially cure blood and immune system diseases, cancer, spinal cord injury and copious amount of other diseases. One of the main disadvantages with using embryonic stem cells for research is that human embryos are destroyed during the process of gathering the cells. This causes many people to believe that this is unethical because it is destroying a human…
Imagine a life where the people that were once paralyzed can now walk, yes! They can know because of the embryonic stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research came from identical inner mass cells of a human embryo. Embryonic cells are able to grow into all derivatives of these primary germ layers ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Embryonic stem cell research would be a good thing for humans because human embryos for stem cell research can help a number of patients, they can be used by scientists to find cure for several medical conditions, and the stem cell research may be a treatment for many cancers.…
Few recent scientific issues have stimulated so much media attention, public debate and government involvement as that of stem cell research. Stem cells offer people hope by promising to greatly extend the number and range of patients who could benefit from transplants, and to provide novel therapies to treat debilitating diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, Huntington's, heart disease and stroke, as well as accidental damage such as spinal cord injury. So why would anyone object to research in this area? The problem is simply that a particular type of stem cell, which potentially could provide many cell types for a wide range of therapeutic uses, is obtained from the very early embryo. To make matters even more contentious, the same cloning technology that gave Dolly the sheep could in theory be used to tailor stem cells to the patient. Some people worry that we are taking research too far down paths that make them feel uncomfortable, others think it is downright immoral and against their deep-held, often religious, beliefs. But what are the scientific issues and why do many of us feel equally passionate that the research should be allowed?…
From a scientist’s point of view, embryonic stem cells have a huge potential to revolutionize the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering as they hold the ability to produce all cell lineages including the germ line. This would provide the gateway for the treatment of a wide range of diseases where the body is incapable of repairing itself. However, some people especially religious communities hold strong objections regarding the use of human embryos in scientific research (De Wert, 2003) (Orive, 2003). The main point being that since “new life begins at the point of conception”, the embryo should hold full human rights (Daley, G.Q. et al., 2007). Nevertheless, there are different legislations in place in different countries regarding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In UK, embryonic stem cell research can only be carried out with authority from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority…
This debate on embryonic stem cell research has held on over three decades. The controversy has not ended at this time. The controversy is about the work that holds immense promises from the scientific end and the opponents who view them as giving less value to human life. The most recent debate uses the very early part of development of stem cells for the potential to be alleviate conditions ranging from diabetes to Alzheimer's Disease. In 2001 the Bush Administration proclaimed a policy that permits some research with federal funds used with very strict rules. This policy has gathered little support three years later from the…