Creating Change Within Organizations HCS 587
Emergency Department Overload: Creating Positive Changes under Conflicting Circumstances Every day in life, we face conflict and change; whether it is large in its impact or small. Generally, change is often perceived as something that is negative, or at least does not come with great ease. Many of us are creatures of habit, and it can be difficult to change our ways, or our work ways; even if it is ultimately for the better. During the past several years, the 27 bed emergency department that I have been working in has gone through some major changes relating to the record increase patient numbers. Because of the shocking spike in the patient numbers, the department had to come up with a new plan on how to handle the patient flow through the small department. At first, it was a huge adjustment and several changes were taking place at once. Looking back now, the changes made were extremely beneficial; not only to the flow of patients, but this also increased our patient satisfaction scores in the process.
The Reason(S) For The Change The department I work in is considerably small. Staff and valuable resources are limited. The facts that our ED contains 27 patient rooms and was presented with a patient visit record of about 150 patients seen on day shift, created quite a few problems. Several ideas for change took place; including modifying the triage process and utilizing a separate room just outside the department for patients to move to while awaiting test procedures. It was understood by everyone on staff that a change to be made, but the several ideas presented resulted in a myriad of opinions and reactions. Inevitably, the changes were going to take place, it was the process and adjustment process that was trying at times to experience.
The Change That Caused The Conflict The change that occurred had taken place