Term Project
Emergency Room Operations
Team Supreme
Seo, Jin ho
Kim, hyo sik Kim, jeong yeon Yang, hyunwook Park, sungyoun Jung, hong joo
Ho Jia Ling Audrey 오드리
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.2
2.0 Problem Recognition - The Revision of Emergency Duty Law ----------------------------------------------- p.3
3.0 Analysis of Service Blueprint of ER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p.5
4.0 Solution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.9
5.0 Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.13
1.0 Introduction
The emergency room (ER) is an indispensable medical department to hospitals and medical facilities all around the world. This department specializes specifically in providence of acute medical attention and treatment of patients who usually show up without prior notice or appointment. In other words, the ER’s primary target group of patients is those with a sudden and unexpected need for medical services and attentions at any given time.
In general, the ER must be able to provide initial diagnosis and treatment for a broad range of illnesses and injuries, some of which are more crucial than others and may require greater and immediate care. Hence, ER patients can be generally classified into two categories, which we define to be ‘light’ patients and ‘emergency’ patients. There is the issue that emergency patients should be placed under a greater priority to medical services and attention as compared to ordinary patients, who are less severely injured or ill. Given that patient arrivals follow a Poisson distribution (randomly), in order to cater to irregular service demand, the