
Emily Dickinson I Died For Beauty

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Emily Dickinson I Died For Beauty
In Emily Dickinson’s poem I Died for Beauty, but was scarce. The plot of the story is about death, beauty, and the truth. Imagine a dark room with two caskets side by side with a stone brick fireplace and stone hedges with names carved in it all covered up with moss and fallen brown leaves. They either died for truth or beauty. Emily dickinson’s forms for most of her poems are formal and the rhyme scheme is ABCB. Author is connected to this poem because she either had a falling out with her parents, best friend, or even a lover or she was just feeling sad when she wrote this poem because of something that happened to her. The speaker or speakers is dead. One character is defined as beauty and one is defined as truth and how they are combined …show more content…
They have both succeeded and also in some years, it has failed us. They spoke for each other, they sought out through their differences. In the end, everything faded into the ground and felt like it never existed. The speaker is dead because when Emily introduced her first line, its stating “ I died for Beauty, but was scarce.” The speaker died for beauty and a man died for the truth. Which is were they come into the two rooms across from each other “"For beauty," I …show more content…
We go through the motion to please everyone and not realize we are losing ourselves in the process. You sacrificed so much for one person or a few people. You could always lie because it is easy to lie, it is easy to be fake also, but being truthful around people you love is very difficult. It might be easy to lie and and to be fake, but when you look back you won’t have anyone there for your funeral or to be there when you needed someone. Being truth and kind is so much worth than pushing everyone away and lying it might be hard, but in the end someone will always be there for you no matter how bad the the truth is. Word of the wise truth and morality are the same thing as beauty and truth no matter which way you look at it truth is always

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