The first thing one should notice about Dickinson’s poem is the amount of repetition seen and heard throughout: every line has some kind of alliteration or assonance. The first two lines are almost identical: “I am afraid to own a Body” and “I am afraid to own …show more content…
The first line “Double estate – entailed at pleasure” suggests this imagery (5). The word “Estate” implies responsibility, honor, and social patterns (5). However, this line serves to cultivate the disjointed repetition tactic Dickinson employs; the words “Estate” and “entailed” are assonant, but again a hyphen separates the words, forcing the speaker and reader to pause (5). The next lines “Upon an unsuspecting Heir – / Duke in a moment of Deathlessnes” continues the imagery of inheritance and patterns, as the use of “Heir” and “Duke” suggest responsibilities and expectations (6-7). This, of course, contrasts to the obvious lack of any pattern in terms of the sound of the poem. In line 7 the tenuous pattern of repetitive alliteration prevails, but in a manner that – like in every other line – belies the presence of any actual pattern: “Duke” and “Deathlessness” are alliterative, but are at opposite ends of the line. Finally, the final line “And God, for a Frontier” continues the erratic pattern of repetition (8). The alliteration pattern of words jump from being at opposite sides of the line in line 7 to being almost next to each other in this final line (i.e. “for” and “Frontier”(8)). There is also a slant rhyme in this second stanza: “Heir” and “Frontier”, which lends to the theme of almost but not quite ever actually fitting somewhere; the speaker is indeed an “Heir” that cannot quite fit into the “Frontier” that is her existence