Set in Detroit, 1995, the story revolves around a white boy named Jimmy ‘B-Rabbit’ Smith, an inspiring rapper, trying to succeed in a music style most known for black artists. Jimmy lives in a trailer park with his mother and his younger sister on 8 Mile Road, the imaginary line that separates Detroit in two halves – the have-gots and have-nots. The very first scene of the movie presents ‘The Shelter’-
Set in Detroit, 1995, the story revolves around a white boy named Jimmy ‘B-Rabbit’ Smith, an inspiring rapper, trying to succeed in a music style most known for black artists. Jimmy lives in a trailer park with his mother and his younger sister on 8 Mile Road, the imaginary line that separates Detroit in two halves – the have-gots and have-nots. The very first scene of the movie presents ‘The Shelter’-