Inflight Service Department
Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information
The Inflight service department purpose is to deliver the five star inflight experience to our valued customers onboard. The best strategy to deliver the best experience to customers is to distribute outstanding knowledge among cabin crew about inflight product and services. With on ground appropriate training , cabin crew manage to have sufficient knowledge about basic product and services but to feed the cabin crew continuously with onboard update and change the management need to maintain a way that make the crew aware about the change so they can apply the change onboard in time.
Moreover, to make sure the cabin crew acknowledge the change and perform well with the company standard, there is assesment from time to time conducted by senior crew that will be filed in that particular crew’s folder managed by cabin crew manager. This is one way to keep the cabin crew manager informed about particular crew performance, and its called cabin crew performance matter. Cabin crew performance assesment contain an area of development session so that the particular crew could know what area of improvement he/she has to work on and it said on the system the crew will have another assesment in some period of time. But it only says crew will have to do an assesment, and most of the time the other senior on the next flight doesn’t know what is actually area of development of this particular crew member from the previous assesment. So the senior wouldn’t notice whether this crew has already made an improvement or not. And this situation make the next assesment repeating the previous one again and again.
Crew portal is another tool to share information towards all crew in the company, it is an online website designed to make cabin crew life easy for accesing their email account, checking their roster, bidding and swapping for the flight, access any update from the company,