Emirates airline is one of the big company in the airline industry, but today there are large number of Airline companies are still growing in the market, which are looking for stealing a market share. In this point, with in the growing industry there are more and more choices for the customer to be able to chose the airline who they wanted to traveling with and yet still looking for the one which can serve their need also. Due to the hitting of economic slump, it’s sent the effect to the large commercial airline shrinks them and may not be able to expand the company. Therefore, the switching cost to the low cost airline has also created an impact on the Emirates airline.
In order to maintain the business success and obtain customer to flying with, the airline also need to modify their strategies and service which could give to customer feels the different and added value after purchasing the products. The aim of this report, the author is trend to analyze and evaluate the strategic issues, which can be able to give and effectiveness for the airline to develop their strategic use to be more effectively.
In this report will consist of two major parts: part one will analyze which strategic formulation and lead to implement strategic approach as gaining ahead competitive advantages from resolving the switching cost of consumer leak to the budget airline. In the following part, the author will recommend and conclude at the end of the section.
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