How does fear change with age?
Infants Infants are still fragile with their surroundings. Therefore they develop some fears such as; loud noises, strangers, new environment or place, and fear of falling. A change in the way they are held and when the people they have formed an attachment to aren’t close by.
Childrens Many children experience fears around unfamiliar. It varies depending on their stage of development and also their own temperament and personality. However, most children are afraid of the dark because they can’t see what’s out there and they feel unprotected in the dark. They have fears of monsters,they think anything could be under their bed waiting to hurt, abduct and take them to faraway places. Children’s have also fears of separation, strangers, being alone, costumes, masks, mascots, doctors, and dentists.
Teenagers …show more content…
Therefore, we develop a fear that is on a different aspect of life. They may happen in true to life situation, not as a kid, they are more like fictitious and fantasize. Most teenagers are afraid of test and exam taking, talking to parents about personal problems, peer pressure, not fitting in with people around you, life after high school, the future, poor academic performance, and not getting good grades. We struggle when we don't have enough money to buy things we like. Auditions, try out, interviews and public speaking are probably the most nerve wrecking we have to overcome. We’re afraid of commitment, losing a loved one and friend. We’re also afraid of not having enough time to do everything we have to accomplish on time and not being able to meet the