This essay will discuss three important topics that to me have stood out as important concepts that are sensible and comparatively simple to apply in my work as a graduate nurse. They are; the concept of emotional intelligence, the concept of empowerment in nursing and the concept of teamwork in the health care setting. Each topic will be discussed separately, analysed, argued and integrated into the essay as a whole so that the reader may have a greater understanding of how these concepts interact with each other and how each concept may influence the graduate nurse to work at a professional and level how she in turn can utilise these concepts to further enhance her professional development.
Identify &ump; describe 3 key areas of professional practice (300 words) 1st or 3rd
What is emotional intelligence ?
According to the Centre for nursing (2009), emotional intelligence is a set of skills that defines how effectively we reason, how we perceive and manage our own feelings and the feelings, emotions, and therefore the mood states of others. Our feelings, our moods and emotions influence our every working day to a positive or negative outcome consistent according to our emotional management. They also impact on our everyday relationships with our fellow staff and influence how we perceive the concepts of team moral, job satisfaction, and engagement. Romanelli, Cain, and Smith (2006), mention that their research demonstrates that emotional intelligence is one of the most of the foremost predictors of professional success. Emotional intelligence underpins how well employees co-operate with one another, which has great consequences for way our work is carried out.
What is the concept of empowerment in nursing ?
Manojlovich, (2013) mentions that empowerment in nursing can be outlined as the ability to induce things to be done, to mobilize resources, to get and use whatever, a person needs to achieve the goals he or she is attempting to meet. At