Course Paper:
Emotional Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication
Done by: Nazar Diachun Supervised by:
N.V. Batryn
Ternopil – 2011
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................3
PART 1. WHAT IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE............................................................................4
1.1. The Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence........................................................................5
1.2. Relation of the Models to the Popularizations.................................................................................6
1.3. Who Is Emotionally Intelligent - And Does It Matter....................................................................7
PART 2. DEVELOPMENT: HOW TO RAISE YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.........................................................................................................................................9
Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................13
Emotional intelligence refers to a combination of skills including, empathy, self-control, self-awareness, sensitivity, and self-motivation. There are many tests done to see if a person has a high emotional intelligence. What is emotional intelligence used for? I think it is used for a lot of things and it is also
References: 1. Bar-On, Reuven, & Parker, James D.A. (2000). The handbook of emotional intelligence. New York: Jossey-Bass. 2. Goleman, Daniel. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam. 3. Goleman, Daniel. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam/ Doubleday/Dell 4. Salovey, Peter, & Sluyter, D. (Eds.) (1997). Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Implications for educators. New York: Basic Books. 5. Cooper, Robert; & Sawaf, Ayman. (1996). Executive EQ: Emotional intelligence in leadership and organizations. New York: Grosset/Putnam. 6. Blatner, A. (2005). The place of drama in education–A child psychiatrist 's viewpoint. Youth Theatre Journal. 7. Bar-On, Reuven, & Parker, James D.A. (2000). The handbook of emotional intelligence. New York: Jossey-Bass.