Emotional Intellig ence Over view
About Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Emotional Intelligence (EI), o ften measured as an Emotional
Intelligent Quotient (EQ), describes an ability, capacity, o r skill to perceive, access, and mange the emo tio ns o f self, and o thers, and gro ups. It is a relatively new area o f psycho lo gical research.
Origins of the concept
The idea o f emo tio nal intelligence has been aro und fo r so me co nsiderable time. Ho w ever it became w idely po pularised by Daniel
Go ldman w ith his best selling bo o k Emotional I ntelligence: Why I t
Can Matter More T han I Q. Go leman built o n earlier studies such a
E. L. Tho rndike at C o lumbia University, w ho used the term so cial intelligence to describe understanding and managing o f o ther peo ple.
In 1 9 7 5 , Ho w ard Gardner Frames of Mind: T he T heory of Multiple
I ntelligences intro duced the idea o f Multiple Intelligences w hich included bo th I nterpersonal intelligence ( the capacity to understand the intentio ns, mo tivatio ns and desires o f o ther peo ple) and I ntrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand o neself, to appreciate o ur feelings, fears and mo tivatio ns). In the view o f Gardner, traditio nal types o f intelligence, such as IQ, fail to fully explain co gnitive ability. Therefo re traditio nal definitio ns o f intelligence are lacking in ability to fully explain perfo rmance o utco mes.
Defining emotional intelligence
There is much discussio n abo ut the definitio n o f EI, arguments abo ut termino lo gy and that applicatio ns .Whilst there are a gro w ing number o f co ntributo rs to this field o f intelligence w e have decided fo r the sake o f brevity cho sen to co mment o n tw o po pular definitio ns and applicatio ns.
Namely the w o rk o f Steven J. Stein, PhD. and Ho w ard E. Bo o k,
M.D. T he EQ Edge: Emotional I ntelligence and Y our Success.
Emo tio nal Intelligence is the ability to perceive emo