Throughout the ages, we have been constantly deluded by our society. Moreover, even love, relationship, wisdom or happiness could all be just an illusion. The way that people perceive things can be heavily influenced by many outside factors such as the media, entertainment, literature, and so on. In Empire of Illusion, the author Hedges uncovers the truth of how humans’ points of views about media, entertainment, love, relationship, and wisdom has been influence by the surrounding environment. He has shown the values of those aspects are being change by peoples’ point of view. Media and entertainment could have, and have had, a negative impact on the way people think – as a consequence of how the media and such have shaped the world, many people do not believe in love. They believe that the need for relationships and sex can be satisfied easily without ever loving someone. There are also other people who believe that wisdom can be gained by wealth and power rather than intelligence and hard work. Hedges points out this serious issue in his book of Empire of Illusion by targeting the huge unavoidable impact of media, entertainment, porn industry, and prestigious universities. Empire of Illusion begins by appealing to people with their interests of professional wrestling and reality television shows in the first chapter of “the Illusion of Literacy”. As one of the more popular choices of entertainment, television shows have played an invisible role of feeding their audiences with biased perceptions of the world. While watching and enjoying those shows, their audiences just follow blindly about what the television show tells them to do. In “the Illusion of Literacy”, Hedges traces how media creates the illusion of human lives, or pseudo-events by overlaying reality in the minds of those who follow them. “The success of professional wrestling, like most of the entertainment that envelops our culture, lies not in
Throughout the ages, we have been constantly deluded by our society. Moreover, even love, relationship, wisdom or happiness could all be just an illusion. The way that people perceive things can be heavily influenced by many outside factors such as the media, entertainment, literature, and so on. In Empire of Illusion, the author Hedges uncovers the truth of how humans’ points of views about media, entertainment, love, relationship, and wisdom has been influence by the surrounding environment. He has shown the values of those aspects are being change by peoples’ point of view. Media and entertainment could have, and have had, a negative impact on the way people think – as a consequence of how the media and such have shaped the world, many people do not believe in love. They believe that the need for relationships and sex can be satisfied easily without ever loving someone. There are also other people who believe that wisdom can be gained by wealth and power rather than intelligence and hard work. Hedges points out this serious issue in his book of Empire of Illusion by targeting the huge unavoidable impact of media, entertainment, porn industry, and prestigious universities. Empire of Illusion begins by appealing to people with their interests of professional wrestling and reality television shows in the first chapter of “the Illusion of Literacy”. As one of the more popular choices of entertainment, television shows have played an invisible role of feeding their audiences with biased perceptions of the world. While watching and enjoying those shows, their audiences just follow blindly about what the television show tells them to do. In “the Illusion of Literacy”, Hedges traces how media creates the illusion of human lives, or pseudo-events by overlaying reality in the minds of those who follow them. “The success of professional wrestling, like most of the entertainment that envelops our culture, lies not in