Katharine Kolcaba and Richard Steiner J Holist Nurs 2000 18: 46 DOI: 10.1177/089801010001800106 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jhn.sagepub.com/content/18/1/46
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Empirical Evidence for the Nature of Holistic Comfort
Katharine Kolcaba, Ph.D., R.N.C. Richard Steiner, Ph.D., M.P.H.
University of Akron
The nursing outcome of holistic comfort encompasses physical, psychospiritual, social, and environmental aspects of human nature. The primary purpose of this study was to test four propositions about the nature of comfort: (a) Comfort has equal proportions of state and trait characteristics; (b) comfort is sensitive to changes over time; (c) when subjects are exposed to an effective intervention, they demonstrate differences in comfort that increase in a linear way compared to a control group; and (d) the whole (total comfort) is greater than the sum of its parts (relief plus ease plus transcendence). A secondary purpose of this study was to present preliminary concurrent validity between two types of comfort instruments, a traditional questionnaire with a Likert-type format and visual analog scales. Findings were positive for all theoretical propositions and moderate
Citations: http://jhn.sagepub.com/content/18/1/46.refs.html >> Version of Record - Mar 1, 2000 What is This? Downloaded from jhn.sagepub.com by guest on December 9, 2011 Kolcaba, Steiner / EVIDENCE FOR HOLISTIC COMFORT JOURNAL OF HOLISTIC NURSING / March 2000 Downloaded from jhn.sagepub.com by guest on December 9, 2011 Kolcaba, Steiner / EVIDENCE FOR HOLISTIC COMFORT Downloaded from jhn.sagepub.com by guest on December 9, 2011 Kolcaba, Steiner / EVIDENCE FOR HOLISTIC COMFORT Downloaded from jhn.sagepub.com by guest on December 9, 2011 52 Downloaded from jhn.sagepub.com by guest on December 9, 2011 54