Example: Empirical studies can be quantitative or qualitative; in research involving retention efforts they will be empirical studies conducted to gather data.
2) Theory- is an educated assumption that explains how, what we as researchers examine relate to each other. It creates meaning from the information gathered. McMillian, 2016, p.7)
Example: When observing different retention efforts I will develop a theory of why they are successful and how they help retain students.
3) Quantitative-is the search for a concrete answer to problems or observations. It is typically …show more content…
(McMillian, 2016, p.37)
Example I want to do a study of how 2nd graders interact with ESOL students in the same age range. I would need permission from the 2nd graders to include them in the study.
8) Beneficence- the responsibility of the researcher to ensure no danger comes to the participant. It is the ethical standard in research to protect the participant. (McMillian, 2016, p.38)
Example: typically the institutional review board is responsible for making sure beneficence is upheld in research studies.
9) Debriefing-the process of full disclosure about the research study what was done and why measures of deception were taken in the experiment. (McMillian, 2016, p.39)
Example: after an experiment involving premature death scenarios the participants were debriefed and given the opportunity to express themselves and their views on the experiment.
10) Exempt- A study or experiment that presents to real danger to the participant so it does no need to adhere to the standard federal guidelines but researchers do need to maintain the ethical standards. (McMillian, 2016, …show more content…
No names, characteristics were asked.
12) Institutional Review Boards- the governing body of research at institutions before an experiment can be conducted it needs to be reviewed by the gatekeepers to ensure no harm will come to participants and that researchers are following established federal guidelines. (McMillian, 2016, p.42)
Example: before I would be able to conduct an experiment on the effects of claustrophobia it would need to be evaluated by the IRB to determine what the harm will be to the participants and if it is adhering to regulation.
13) Transferability-the process of seeing if the information collected applies to other areas of research that are relatable. (McMillian, 2016, p.359)
Example: If I conduct an experiment on retention of online students I may be able to apply what I discover to the retention of all students or jobs.
14) Mode-the figures or information that occurs the most in a group of data. (McMillian, 2016, p.148)
Example: when looking at the background of students that are first time in college many of them are first generation