Note that there are two documents for this Assignment. 1) This INSTRUCTION document that provides the information that you need to correctly complete the assignment 2) A TEMPLATE FILE (that you must RENAME to indicate your own details) and on which you will complete your answers. This is the ONLY file that you will submit for this assignment. Please make sure that you have correctly named the file and that you have indicated all your answers (multiple choice as well as the literature review) on this file BEFORE submitting on MyUnisa by the due date. Before you continue, first create a copy of the TEMPLATE file for Assignment 01 and RENAME it to clearly indicate your own details on the file to be submitted on the myUnisa assignment submission system. OPEN THE TEMPLATE FILE FOR ASSIGNMENT 01 FOR SEMESTER 1 AND SAVE IT IN A SAFE PLACE WITH YOUR OWN FILENAME – WE SUGGEST THAT YOU USE YOUR STUDENT NUMBER AND SURNAME IN THE FILE NAME AS FOLLOWS: STUDENTNO_SURNAME_INITIALS_HMEMS80_2012S1_ASS01 For example, student James Bond, with student number 1007007 will save his file with the name (1007007_BOND_J_HMEMS80_2012S1_ASS01)
This assignment is a written one and consists of two parts. Section A consists of 10 multiple-choice questions for 10 marks. Note that you must use the table included in this typed single assignment document to provide your answers – since the ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT must be contained in a single document for onscreen marking purposes. Your literature review, which will count 50 marks, will be completed in Section B. The score on the assignment will be 1
reworked to a percentage score. The mark for this assignment will count half of the year mark while Assignment 02 will count the other half towards your year mark. (Refer to the information provided in the “Assessment Orientation” Week 0 Resource 4 document. HMEMS80 2012 ASSIGNMENT 01 SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS