Review this technical professional area in conjunction with the core areas.
le d ib
Performance and reward
Resourcing and talent planning cre
Ro le rage to challen
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C oll a b o r
a tiv e
8.1.1 Build and feedback insights and messages about employee engagement by talking and working with employees. 8.1.2 Identify the ongoing prime drivers of employee engagement for the organisation through appropriate academic and good practice research and data analysis.
8.1.3 Initiate research to develop organisational insights into drivers of employee engagement and the link to organisational performance. 8.1.4 Create the business case for engagement based on clear evidence/research into the link between employee engagement drivers and organisational performance.
8.2.1 Analyse and develop reports on employee engagement identifying areas that complement performance metrics such as sales, customer service, retention, turnover, absentee rates, and retention.
8.2.2 Monitor, measure & evaluate key organisation performance metrics, providing reports on trends/issues to the management team.
8.2.3 Lead on and develop approaches to capturing, measuring and analysing employee feedback linked to performance metrics.
8.2.4 Use best practice to identify employee engagement metrics focused on emotional and intellectual engagement measures linked to performance metrics.
8.3.1 Collect and analyse responses from employee engagement diagnostics and processes. 8.3.2 Implement employee satisfaction/feedback processes, encouraging managers and staff participation. 8.3.3 Manage employee engagement diagnostic processes to deliver relevant organisational data, working closely with senior managers to gain insight.
8.3.4 Lead the design of employee engagement diagnostic processes ensuring clear linkage to strategic initiatives and outcomes, and championing with colleagues to ensure full engagement