Brent Shade
Western Governors University
Employee Performance Evaluations There are many different types of performance evaluations and sets of criteria that are involved with them. These different types of performance evaluations include the Graphic Rating Method, The Global Rating Method, the Essay Rating Method, Behavioral Anchored Rating Method (BARS), Management by Objectives, and the 360-Evaluation Method (“Employee Performance Evaluation,” n.d.). It will also be discussed the positive and negative aspects involved and examples will be given of errors and biases that commonly impact the accuracy of performance evaluations as they pertain to the scenario provided regarding an evaluation of an engineer at a given company. Many organizations use a combination of evaluations; depending on the size of the organization, as tools to identify needs within the company to show weaknesses or strengths of an employee, or of the organization, that is being evaluated. The correct evaluation used and the correct rating scale depend on the number of employees doing the same job, size of the organization, and ultimately the amount of money, time, and resources that an organization wants to spend on the evaluations (“Employee Performance Evaluations,” n.d.). Listed below are many commonly used evaluation methods and a brief description of each:
● Behavioral Anchored Rating Method (BARS)- Is an evaluation of the employees behavior. This method aims to give a numerical rating to certain performance criteria. This criteria focuses on observable behavior only. Examples of observable behavior are given for each score range in the BARS evaluation method (“Employee Performance Evaluations,” n.d.)
● The Graphic Rating Scale-consists of a line with four or five criteria with four or five rankings (typically something like unsatisfactory, below average, satisfactory, above average, and excellent). This
References: Manning, Samantha. August 26, 2012. Types of bias in performance reviews. Ehow Money. Retrieved January 23, 2013 from Schreiner, Erin