Respondents from both sides have reveal the tensions in ‘working together’ and a police tendency to perceive themselves as the ‘lead agency’. In addition, issues bound up with recruitment and selection are significant. Within joint police/social work specialist units, there is a blurring of the social work role. It is argued that joint working between social workers and the police needs to be subject to reflexive scrutiny. Possibly, in the past, aspects of policing have been ineffectually inspected in social work education and training. The creation of a new social work degree may offer. Thinking critically about multi-agencies it is apparent that there are still issues today that affect each agency and lack of budget and resources has only enflamed the issues of working together. During my time researching the impact of agencies, working together it has often came to the same conclusion and the same key issue between each agency. That issue is who has the lead, the police often believe they have the lead in the running of certain cases this leave the other agencies agitated as they are restricted on how they perform their …show more content…
My thoughts on the use of multi-agency work has changed from starting university. From only believing that the term ‘multi-agency’ refereed to emergency services only to having a complete understanding of each agency and the roles that they perform. During these past few months I have also learnt that agencies that work together do not just have to be government ran agencies such as probate, police, and NHS charities are also a major factor within the multi-agency framework. I believe that the understanding I have gained from the multi-agency module will help me within my future career within the police. I believe that understanding the use of each agency and how I could use it in the role of a police officer can have a huge impact on the way I can police. By understanding what goes on in the back ground it is possible that I can find routes I feel would be best suited to anyone I am dealing with such as suspicion of a child being abused at home, I would know to contact child services and the NHS to have the child checked out. These are things I can put into place on active duty and they are extremely effective methods of dealing with situations that may need other opinions