1.1 Introduction
Motivation is the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways to raise the individual performance of the people in an organization. Individual performance is generally determined by three things: motivation, ability and the work environment. Among these three determinants motivation is the most important. Motivation plays a vital role to increase productivity, mobilization of work, proper utilization of human resources and proper coordination and combination of work. This study will examine the condition of employee motivation in the Hotel Millennium.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
In every study, there should be some specific objectives and goals. Identifying purpose and objectives is very important. For this, the objectives of this report can be mentioned in the following way— □ To know about employee motivation factors of the Hotel Millennium. □ To compare these employee motivation factors with some motivation theories.
1.3 Scope and Rationale of the Study
In every study, some scopes and rationale are considered. The Hotel Millennium is a renowned hotel of Khulna city. It serves both the domestic and foreign guests. This report is mainly worked with the following point— □ Employee motivation to achieve the organizational goal of the Hotel Millennium.
1.4 Limitation of the Study
Being a student of MBA it is first initiative for preparing a report on such topic. To prepare this report various aspect of knowledge advantage is needed. But we have faced some inevitable barriers to complete this report. These barriers or limitations, which hinder this work, are as follows— □ Lack of available data and information related to this topic. □ We had to face several embarrassments during data collection due to seasonal circumstances.
1.5 Methodology
Actually, methodology means the way or manner by which the study is accomplished. It includes some chronological steps that are necessary to complete