Employee motivation a powerful new model explores drivers of employee motivation, the levers the managers can pull to address them and the local strategies that can boost motivation despite organizational constraints. Finding of new research introduce a model that establishes the four basic emotional need people exhibit; they are the drive to acquire, bond, comprehend and defend. Also it exhort organizations take an holistic approach to satisfy employee’s emotional needs through its reward system, culture, management systems, and design of jobs. The potential benefit of a motivated workforce to an organization is better corporate performance.
The Reward System
The drive to acquire is most easily satisfied by an organizations reward system –how effectively it discriminates between good and poor performers, ties rewards to performance, and gives the best people opportunities for advancement. For example Employee Awards programme provides special recognition for what employees do and rewards them for how they perform. Motivators within the Kellogg 's company reflect the different personal aspirations of staff. There is clear recognition and reward for performance. For example, the Kellogg 's sales team meets every Friday morning to share success stories of the week. Once a month it recognizes individuals that have worked above and beyond the K-Values. Winners receive a range of awards ranging from cash prizes, vouchers or holiday entitlements. For many people pay is still a prime motivator. Many employees are motivated by cash alternatives which include the opportunity to buy and sell their holiday days.
Job Design
Employees are motivated by jobs that challenge them and enable them to grow and learn and they are demoralized by those that seem to be monotonous or lead to dead end. Talented employees who feel trapped often leave