Bonejean Jordan
September 30, 2013
Steven Spencer
University of Phoenix Material
Employee Portfolio
Complete one matrix for each employee.
Employee name: Larissa
Self Assessment
Results Summary
How Satisfied Am I with My Job?
Studies using this instrument tend to find means in the 74 to 76 range. If you scored low, you might want to look at specific items in this questionnaire. Are there certain aspects of your job—supervision, pay, lack of advancement potential, coworkers, the work itself—that are causing problems? What, if anything, can be done to improve them? It may also be that your low satisfaction is due to you and not your job. That is, you may have a negative genetic predisposition toward life. So regardless of the job you’re in, you may just tend to be unhappy.
Scored low in job satisfaction. Needs improvement.
Score: 57
Good at working alone
Likes to stay busy.
Always willing to help others.
Uses good judgment.
Shows good judgment implementing own ideas.
Does not feel she gets the praise she deserves.
Does not like the working conditions.
Thinks she should get paid more for the work she does.
Am I Engaged?
This scale measures work engagement, which is defined as a persisting, positive state of motivation and fulfillment. Your score on this measure can range from 9 to 45; the higher your score, the more engaged you are. Individuals who are engaged are willing to devote considerable time to their work, are dedicated and persist in the face of obstacles, feel inspired by and proud of their work, and become immersed and absorbed while performing their work.
Not very engaged.
Score: 27
Since the scores were neutral in every category, there are no visible strengths.
Since the scores were neutral in every category, there are no visible weaknesses. Looks like she is not as engaged as she should be.
How Are You Feeling Right Now?