References: ooks•Beardwell, J & Claydon, T (2007) Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach 5th Edition, Pearson Education, London•Boxall, P & Purcell, J (2003) Strategy and Human Resource Management, Handmills, Palgrave Macmillan, London•Farnham, D (2000) Employee Relations in Context, Institute of Personnel and Development, London•Foot, M & Hook, C (2005) Introducing Human Resource Management 4th Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Essex•Rose, E (2004) Employment Relations 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, EssexJournals•Elbaum, B & Lazonick, W (1984) The Decline of the British Economy: An Institutional Perspective in The Journal of Economic History, Vol 44, No.2, June 1984, pp.567-583Internet•National Statistics Labour Market Trends [accessed on 19/7/08] [available from]•Department for Business enterprise and regulatory reform (BERR) "The 1998 workplace relations survey: first findings" [accessed on 20/7/08] [available from]•Metcalf, D (1993) "Transformation of British Industrial Relations? Institutions, Conduct and Outcomes 1980-1990" [accesses on 20/7/08] [available from]•Nickell, S & Quintin, G (2001) "The Recent Performance of the UK Labour Market" [accessed on 22/7/08] [available from]•ESRC Society Today "Women in the Workplace: The Gender pay gap remains" [accessed on 22/7/08] [available from]•Government Equalities Office (2001) "Women and Work: Challenge and Opportunity" [accessed on 27/7/07] [available from]
References: ooks•Beardwell, J & Claydon, T (2007) Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach 5th Edition, Pearson Education, London•Boxall, P & Purcell, J (2003) Strategy and Human Resource Management, Handmills, Palgrave Macmillan, London•Farnham, D (2000) Employee Relations in Context, Institute of Personnel and Development, London•Foot, M & Hook, C (2005) Introducing Human Resource Management 4th Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Essex•Rose, E (2004) Employment Relations 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, EssexJournals•Elbaum, B & Lazonick, W (1984) The Decline of the British Economy: An Institutional Perspective in The Journal of Economic History, Vol 44, No.2, June 1984, pp.567-583Internet•National Statistics Labour Market Trends [accessed on 19/7/08] [available from]•Department for Business enterprise and regulatory reform (BERR) "The 1998 workplace relations survey: first findings" [accessed on 20/7/08] [available from]•Metcalf, D (1993) "Transformation of British Industrial Relations? Institutions, Conduct and Outcomes 1980-1990" [accesses on 20/7/08] [available from]•Nickell, S & Quintin, G (2001) "The Recent Performance of the UK Labour Market" [accessed on 22/7/08] [available from]•ESRC Society Today "Women in the Workplace: The Gender pay gap remains" [accessed on 22/7/08] [available from]•Government Equalities Office (2001) "Women and Work: Challenge and Opportunity" [accessed on 27/7/07] [available from]