Delhi Vidyut Board (DVB), a Delhi State owned power distribution company, had run into heavy losses. The major reasons were power thefts, dissatisfied customer base and high employee corruption. Lack of a proper HR department and workers grievance’s system also added to their worries.
When NDPL took over, it brought series of functional and structural changes in the organization. The business was modified to be more customer focused. NDPL undertook several measures like offering VRS, redefining KRAs and JDs, increasing number of zones and circles and redefining the organization’s vision statement. The new HR department framed performance driven appraisal policies for NDPL scheme based employees. Some grievance addressing system like ‘Meet the CEO’ and ‘Sarathi’ were also launched. These measures generated good-will among the workers which could be gauged by the successful celebration of ‘Industrial Harmony Week’ on May day. The event included several cultural and social activities aimed to promote NDPL’s work culture.
With time, the differential treatment of DVB scheme based and NDPL scheme based employees started to cause friction in their relationships. This separation of workers based on schemes was a thing which probably NDPL could have avoided. Kuldeep’s subordination problem was also a manifestation of this differential treatment. It was also an example of side-effects of collaborative working between Heera Lal and the employers. Workers thought Heera lal had turned into a steward and had ‘sold-out’ their interests to the management.(Ref: Achieving a New Equilibrium?) It led to Kuldeep Sharma gaining their confidence and getting himself elected as General Secretary of DSWEU. Rehman’s case further enhanced Kuldeep’s leadership position in the eye of his supporters. Currently, Sardana faces challenge in balancing trade-off between handling noncompliance and avoiding major