Guidance on retaining employees with a disability
Executive Summary
The purpose of this literature review is to summarise the evidence from research and good practice guidance that will assist employers in retaining employees who acquire a disability. This literature review is a companion piece to Retaining Employees Who Acquire a Disability - A Guide for Employers.
Key findings
The key findings of the literature review are as follows:
• Employers and line managers play a key role in developing and operating employee retention policies
• Early intervention is key. Retention policies need to be integrated with absence management policies. It is good practice to be in touch with employees after three days of absence
• Research suggests a tipping point is reached after six weeks' absence in which employees become progressively less likely to return to work without active intervention and support
• Employers gain benefits from retaining employees with acquired disabilities. Keeping skilled and experienced employees in the workplace can reduce costs of replacing an absent employee, reduce overtime costs for other employees, or help maintain productivity
• Successful employee retention policies are a series of interconnected processes and policies that employers can readily implement such as: creating an inclusive work environment; implementing absence management and return to work policies; implementing reasonable accommodations for employees
• Developing and implementing workplace wellness programmes and work positive initiatives can promote and support employees’ physical health and mental wellbeing in the workplace.
• Successful employee retention policies result from a coordinated, systematic approach that includes the employer, the employee, their line manager, their work colleagues, their treating doctor, the company doctor/occupational health physician
• Implementing reasonable accommodations for employees incurs little or no