Dissertation presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree: MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
In the faculty of Business and Economic Sciences At the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
DECLARATION “I, Sindiswa Victoria Mdindela, hereby declare that:
The work in this thesis is my own original work;
All sources used or referred to have been documented and recognised; and
This thesis has not been previously submitted in full or partial fulfillment of the requirements for an equivalent or higher qualification at any other recognised education institution.”
---------------------------------------------SINDISWA VICTORIA MDINDELA
The purpose of this study was to identify factors that impact on staff turnover and strategies that organisations can use to curtail staff turnover. To achieve this goal the following procedure was followed.
An overview of theories related to staff turnover was conducted to identify what staff turnover is. Also the consequences of staff turnover, the classification and measurement of staff turnover and the broad theoretical explanation of staff turnover were investigated. The current brain drain experienced in the medical field was explored. A literature study was also conducted focusing on individual, job, organisational and environmental factors that influence staff turnover and strategies that managers can utilise to reduce staff turnover. Interviews were conducted with the chief executive officer and one doctor at Hewu hospital. Interviews were also conducted among senior nurses.
An empirical study was undertaken to determine individual, job, organisational and environmental factors that impacted on staff turnover among doctors and nurses at Bisho and Hewu Hospitals. The