Employee welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which even s a good wage cannot. With the growth of industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers in the industry cannot cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He needs an added stimulus to keep body and soul together. Employees have also realized the importance of their role in providing these extra amenities. And yet, they are not always able to fulfill workers demands however reasonable they might be. They are not primarily concerned with the viability of the enterprise. Employee welfare, though it has been proved to contribute to efficiency in production, is expensive. Each employer depending on his priorities gives varying degrees of importance to labour welfare. It is because the government is not sure that all employees are progressive mined and will provide basic welfare measures that it introduces statutory legislation from time to time to bring about some measures of uniformity in the basic amenities available to industrial workers. After employees have been hired, trained and remunerated, they need to be retained and maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the wellbeing of the employees, they do not generally result in any monetary benefit to the employees. Nor are these facilities provided by employees alone. Governmental and non-governmental agencies and trade unions too, contribute towards employee welfare. Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various service benefits and facilities offered top the employees by the employer through such general fringe benefits the employer makes the life worth living for the employees. The welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages another economic reward
Employee welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which even s a good wage cannot. With the growth of industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers in the industry cannot cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He needs an added stimulus to keep body and soul together. Employees have also realized the importance of their role in providing these extra amenities. And yet, they are not always able to fulfill workers demands however reasonable they might be. They are not primarily concerned with the viability of the enterprise. Employee welfare, though it has been proved to contribute to efficiency in production, is expensive. Each employer depending on his priorities gives varying degrees of importance to labour welfare. It is because the government is not sure that all employees are progressive mined and will provide basic welfare measures that it introduces statutory legislation from time to time to bring about some measures of uniformity in the basic amenities available to industrial workers. After employees have been hired, trained and remunerated, they need to be retained and maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the wellbeing of the employees, they do not generally result in any monetary benefit to the employees. Nor are these facilities provided by employees alone. Governmental and non-governmental agencies and trade unions too, contribute towards employee welfare. Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various service benefits and facilities offered top the employees by the employer through such general fringe benefits the employer makes the life worth living for the employees. The welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages another economic reward