Contact Number: 8892716911, 9902172643
Permanent Address: Pradeep H S S/o, Shantha Kumar No.145 Hunusavadi, Periyapatna (TQ), Mysore (DIST).
Present Address: Pradeep H S C/f, Shiv Kumar Room NO.B5, Near Water Tank Hootgally, Mysore (DIST)
Carrier Objective: To seek job in a leading company where I can utilize my knowledge and passion towards better carrier development.
Key Skills: Ability to translate technical information and make it more easily understood by nontechnical audiences.
Performance Appraisal: Winning Silver Medal in State Level Economics Exam Conducted by Arthashastra Academy, Mysore.
Project Information:
Project Name: A study on Welfare measures to improving employee performance to wep India Limited.
Computer Knowledge:
• Basic Computer Knowledge.
Educational/Academic Qualification:
|Course |University |College/School Name | Total Percentage |Year Of Passing |
|MSW |Mysore University |Government PG Center, Krishnarajpet, |63.33% |Pursuing |
| | |Mandhya (Dist) | | |
|BBM |Mysore University |Sri D.Devrajurs Govt. First Grade |64.90% |2011 |
| | |College, Hunsur. | | |
|PUC |PU – Board |Kannada Bharati P U College, |72.00% |2008 |
| |