The selection process begins with the candidates identified through recruitment and attempts to reduce their number to the individuals best qualified to perform the available jobs. At times, the selection process can be long and tedious. However, to ensure the proper selection of candidates it is important the following steps are followed: screening of applications and resumes, testing, interviews, checking references and background, and finally making a selection.
I am currently employed with Liberty Bank located in Alton, Illinois. Liberty Bank is a small community bank with four branches and approximately 80 employees. We have one human resource person, Sheree Walker. Throughout this paper I will be discussing how Liberty Bank and various other companies conduct the steps of the selection process.
Resumes are candidates marketing piece and approximate 1/3 of all resumes contain misinterpretation or exaggeration (Still 38). Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully screen and verify all applications and resumes. Resumes are an inexpensive way to gather information and provide employers with a starting point for recruitment (Noe 186).
At Liberty Bank, we have a diverse group of employees. We have commercial loan officers with Master’s degrees and tellers who have no post high school education. Each position within the bank has different requirements for work experience and education; therefore we have a wide variety of employees.
We opened our fourth branch on July 7th, 2008. We have been inundated with applications and resumes for the new facility since April 2008. Mrs. Walker has spent a lot of time looking at each resume and application to determine which employee could be a fit.
Mrs. Walker indicated that work experience is the key element when reviewing resumes and applications. All applications and resumes are reviewed by Mrs. Walker. Once the applicants are determined to be a possible fit, a
Cited: Still, Del. High IMPACT Hiring. Coeur d’ Alene: Management Development Systems, LLC, 2006. Paetkau, Tyler M. Hiring and Firing. Canada: Entrepreneur Media, Inc, 2007.