Main source of conflict between supervisors and the HR department at Sands Corporation are: * HR department ranks applicant based on test scores or other criteria and because of that, often people do not get along well with supervisor and co-worker. * Excellent performers are leaving because of HR department do not pay the exceeding pay rises even though they able to perform well. * Take very long time to do paperwork on hiring new employees and cause the company loses good candidates. * Training is just a waste of time and money because it doesn’t build anything. * Supervisors are afraid to be truthful in their performance rating for fear of being investigated by the HR department. * Attitude survey data are broken down by department. The HR department will scrutinizes department with low scores. * The HR department director rejects all of these accusations and does not paying attention to what of being said or what they see form employees.
2. Do you believe that managers should be given more autonomy to make personnel decisions such as hiring, appraising, and compensating subordinates? If so, what are some potential drawbacks to granting them this authority?
Autonomy is the degree to which a job provides an employee with the discretion and independence to schedule their work and determine how it is to be done. Higher levels of autonomy on the job have been shown to increase job satisfaction, and in some cases, motivation to perform the job. In traditional organizations, only those employees at higher levels had autonomy. However, new organizational structures, such as flatter organizations, have resulted in increased autonomy at lower levels. Additionally, many companies now make use of autonomous work teams. Autonomy in the workplace can have benefits for employees, teams, managers, and