Emtel divides its segments into three categorical parts: * For You * For your Business * For your Home
For You
By the term For You emtel targets individuals of mostly all age groups. For this particular segments or simply the biggest segment, emtel offers a wide range of services and promotions.
For the For You segment emtel offers both the prepaid and postpaid option:
Prepaid: Where one recharge his/her account and talk or text for only the amount of credit he/she has on the sim. For this, Emtel offers two types of recharging option like Scratch cards and E-pin.
Postpaid: Simply means where one can talk/text for however much he/she needs and get a bill at the end of the month.
Gift and Collect Sms: Emtel Gift and Collect Sms enable you to send sms to your loved ones so that they can reply to you for free OR send sms even when you are out of credit.
Emtel SOS: You are out running out of credit and you really need to use your mobile? You need emergency credit for calls and sms? Emtel SOS comes to your rescue.
Emtel Easy Transfer: Emtel Easy Transfer enables you to transfer credit to your friends and family whenever you feel like or when they are in need.
You can transfer a minimum of Rs. 5 and up to Rs. 1000 per day on as many mobile numbers as you wish in Mauritius, Rodrigues and Agalega.
Mobile Internet: You can access internet on your mobile/handheld devices such as your mobile phone, laptop or your tablet at your convenience, wherever you are and anytime you like.
For Your Business
Postpaid Line: Business becomes much simpler with your Emtel postpaid. Now you have the unlimited freedom to reach out to people in your special way.
Choose your preferred postpaid plan amongst Emtel 3 different packages (Private, Liberty or Business). You will get a detailed bill for all your spending each end of month based on the plan which you have chosen.
Backup Internet: Emtel Backup Internet Services provide back-up