In a country like india agriculture is a majour source of income still today a majourity of the population is living in the rural areas and depending on the agriculture for their earnings. This pattern has been followed for many years and people work on their basic instrument depending fully on the mercy of weather. And today to ADD TO THEIR VOWS THE EM WAYS BEING EMMITED FROM THE CELL TOWERS ERRECTED FOR MORDANIZATION IS MAKING THEIR EFFERTS useless.
The impact is not visible instently but the long exposure to em ways leads to detoration of the quality of crops, of the health of the birds, insects and farm animals. Thus disterbing the whole of the ecosystm.
In this project our grop had tried to asssemble data showing the impact of em waves on ecosystem resulting in the hamperring of agriculture which is a very dangerous situation for an agriculture based country like india.
We hope these findings throw some light on the grave situation and let people think about the alternates.
Electromagnetic waves or radiation
The electromagnetic waves that compose electromagnetic radiation can be imagined as a self-propagating transverse oscillating wave of electric and magnetic fields. This diagram shows a plane linearly polarized EMR wave propagating from left to right. The electric field is in a vertical plane and the magnetic field in a horizontal plane. The two types of fields in EMR waves are always in phase with each other with a fixed ratio of electric to magnetic field intensity.
Electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) is a form of energy emitted and absorbed by charged particles which exhibits wave-like behavior as it travels through space. EMR has both electric and magnetic field components, which stand in a fixed ratio of intensity to each other, and which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy and wave propagation. In a vacuum,