Marielise Garcia (Professor G.)
ENC 1102
8:00a.m.8:50 a.m. Room: R45200
OFFICE HOURS: MWF 9:00 am to 9:30 am.
College Information Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus Course Information Course Number/ Title: ENC1102 English Composition II
Term: Spring 20151 Department Information Department English and Communications
Office location/hours: Room 2217 Telephone: (305) 2372284 Web Page Course Description This is the second required general core course in collegelevel writing. Observing the conventions of standard edited American English, students will compose informative and persuasive essays, write responses to a variety of literary genres and/or nonfiction, and produce a documented paper based on research. This course fulfills the Gordon Rule requirement that students demonstrate proficiency in collegelevel writing through multiple assignments Note:This course must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
Prerequisites: ENC 1101 or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better. Course Competencies Competency 1: The student will produce writing by :
* Choosing and limiting a subject that can be sufficiently developed within a given time, for a specific purpose and audience.
* Developing and refining prewriting and planning skills.
* Formulating the main point to reflect the subject and purpose of the writing.
* Supporting the main point with specific details and arranging them logically.
* Using appropriate transitional devices.
* Writing an effective conclusion. Competency 2: The student will present writing that seeks to persuade an audience to accept a belief, attitude, value, or course of action by:
● Using logical, ethical, and/or emotional appeals appropriate to the audience and purpose;
● Demonstrating logical