Enclosure: Excel Sheet for Rough Work (In Mail)
Submitted by:
Group: 10
Kumar Gauraw (15)
Ajay Gupta (37)
Rajumoni Saikia(48)
Tarakeswar Das(49)
Question: How will you use Different methods to assess her performance?
Graphic Rating Scale
Graphic rating scales are one of the most common methods of performance appraisal. Graphic rating scales require an evaluator to indicate on a scale the degree to which an employee demonstrates a particular trait, behaviour, or performance result. Rating forms are composed of a number of scales, each relating to a certain job or performance-related dimension, such as job knowledge, responsibility, or quality of work.
Graphic rating …show more content…
Poorly designed scales that encourage rater errors.
Following Graphic Rating Scale can be used to assess the performance of Ms. Prachi Jindal.
Behaviour rating scale:
Behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) are rating scales whose scale points are defined by statements of effective and ineffective behaviours. They are said to be behaviourally anchored in that the scales represent a continuum of descriptive statements of behaviours ranging from least to most effective. An evaluator must indicate which behaviour on each scale best describes an employee's performance.
BARS differ from other rating scales in that scale points are specifically defined behaviours. Also, BARS are constructed by the evaluators who will use them. There are four steps in the BARS construction process:
1. Listing of all the important dimensions of performance for a job or jobs
2. Collection of critical incidents of the effective and ineffective behaviour.
3. Classification of effective and ineffective behaviours to appropriate performance dimensions
4. Assignment of numerical values to each behaviour within each dimension (i.e., scaling of behavioural anchors).
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|while talking to the Customer. |
|Product knowledge |The Customer Care Executive should have the |She have shown a good knowledge about the product |
| |knowledge of the product. |as she was able to detect the problem. |
|Identification of problems |95% of the situations the Customer Care |She could identify the problem with in a very |
| |Executive should be able to find the |short time. |
| |intricacy of the problem. | |
|Communication with the Manufacturer |95% of the situations the Customer Care |She was able to convey the problem to the |
| |Executive should be able to convey the |Manufacturer in a much satisfying manner