
Endocrine System Case Study

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Endocrine System Case Study
c. Describe the path that urine takes to exit the body, starting in the kidney.
Urine collects in the kidneys  travels through 2 thin tubes Ureters to bladder  Muscles in the ureter walls tighten and relax to push urine downward away from the kidneys  Sphincter is like a rubber band which keeps the opening of the bladder so that urine can pass down through the urethra urethra, tube that allows urine exits the body.

4. Discuss your dissection of the components of the endocrine system of the fetal pig by doing the following:
a. Describe the endocrine organs that are located in the throat region (e.g., function and appearance). Thyroid - small dark brown, pink gland in the trachea. Its function is to regulate metabolism and secrete hormones.
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Serves as a valve that prevents regurgitation of food from the intestine back into the stomach
Small intestine Loops back and forth upon itself many times. Split into the Duodenum, Jejunum, and the Ileum. Processes about 2.5 gallons of food, liquids and bodily waste every day (nutrients absorbed by villi)
Duodenum Hallow muscular tube, responsible for the breakdown of food in the small intestine, using enzymes; most anterior and shortest portion
Jejunum Hallow muscular tube, support the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins; middle and longest portion.
Ileum Hallow muscular tube, mainly to absorb vitamin B12 and bile salts and whatever products of digestion that were not absorbed; terminal portion joining large intestine at the ileocecal valve.
Colon One of the final portions of the digestive system. Includes the anal canal, rectum, colon, and cecum. Takes care of absorbing any water left in the food that hasn't been digested yet, and then passing any unused waste from the body
Rectum One of the final portions of the digestive system. Includes the anal canal, rectum, colon, and cecum. Takes care of absorbing any water left in the food that hasn't been digested yet, and then passing any unused waste from the
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b. Describe the accessory digestive organs, including their name, location, relative size, and physical characteristics (e.g., color, shape, texture).
Parotid Gland Salivary gland that release digestive enzyme, Amylase, into oral cavity to mix with food; Ventral to ear.
Mandibular Gland Salivary gland that secretes a thicker saliva which helps to find food together; Ventral to the Parotid Gland
Submaxillary Gland Contributes to production of saliva; small oval-shaped, beneath and ventral to the parotid gland just posterior to the angle of the jaw.
Hard and Soft Palate Prevent food from enter the nasal cavity; Sheets of tissue on the roof of the oral

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