Cushing syndrome results from excess levels of the hormone cortisol. Adrenal glands produce this hormone. Taking corticosteroid medications on high doses can result in Cushing syndrome. It can also be related to a pituitary gland tumor. Symptoms include weight gain, easy bruising, acne, muscle weakness, high blood pressure and bone loss. (clinic)
Addison’s disease results when your adrenal glands are damaged, producing inefficient amounts cortisol and aldosterone. They give instructions to every tissue in your body. Some causes of this are autoimmune disease, tuberculosis, or adrenal gland cancer. Some symptoms are muscle weakness, darkening of skin, low blood sugar, salt craving and hair loss. The treatment of this could be oral corticosteroids, injections, or therapy. (clinic)
Acromegaly results from too much growth hormone in the body. This is made by the pituitary gland. The excess growth hormone usually comes from pituitary tumors. Some health risks are diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Swelling of the hands and feet, bone changes, joint aches, and deepening of voice are common symptoms. This is treated by surgical removal of the tumor. (kilbanski)
Cretinism is a disease of the thyroid gland. The hormone secreted by this gland is thyroxin. Cretinism is caused by low secretion of thyroid hormone. Replacement therapy or oral medication is how this is treated. If left untreated at an early age, It can lead to mental and growth retardation.
Bibliography: clinic, m. (n.d.). kilbanski, a. (n.d.). longmore, m. (n.d.). Shifren. (n.d.). taylor, t. (n.d.). inner wagner. (n.d.).