1. Advantages of SELDI-TOF-MS are it gives more reproducible results in terms of the peak quantification. Also, it is very accurate. Moreover, it identifies the disease causing markers in the very short span of time with the low sample.
2. Carboxypeptidase is a type of protease enzyme. Carboxypeptidase breaks the peptide bond at the carboxyl terminal. It is used in the digestion of the food and not involves catabolism. On the other hand, endopeptidase is a proteolytic peptidase. It cannot cleaves the peptide bonds at the terminals. Endopeptidase is unable to break peptides into monomers.
3. Ang (1-9) causes vasodilation by increasing nitric oxide. Also, decreases the fibrosis and hypertrophy. But, Ang (1-7) decreases the collagen synthesis, fibroblast proliferation and cardiomyopathy. However, Ang (1-7) increases the left ventricular systolic presser and causes vasodilation by increasing the cAMP.
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In the case of diabetes the expression of ACE will increase in the excess amount and causes diuresis. But, a lot of experimental study is needed to know the expression and activity of the ACE2 in diabetes effect case.
5. Captopril and Lisinopril has no effect on the ACE2. But, they prevents the formation of the Ang-2 from Ang-1 by inhibiting ACE.
6. Angiotensin-2 type-1 receptor (AT1R) plays a vital role in the controlling of the blood pressure and blood volume in the cardio vascular system. If we knockout AT1R hypotension will occurs due to the increased levels of the angiotensin-1.
7. EDTA is type of chelating agent. EDTA blocks the activity of the ACE1. However, EDTA has no effect on the renin activity. The renin activity was blocked the specific renin