Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative theory would ask this nonprofit organization if their intentions are in the right place. The article states that the organization exists because they want to help energy plants and educate about energy, but again, where are the profits going, and what are their real intentions. (2012) eguide LS312 Chapter 1.
In Jeremy Betham and john Stuart Mill’s theory of Utilitarianism, I as a member of the board would ask, if the good outweighs the bad. I personally think in any situation, even if the good does outweigh the bad, all efforts should focus on having all good intentions. (2012) eguide LS312 Chapter 1.
If I as a board member used John Rawls theory of justice I would worry about each individual’s rights. The utilitarianism theory would recommend one person losing their job in order to save ten jobs but on the other hand, the justice theory would say no, that one individual was treated unethically.
Lawrence Kohlberg developed three levels of moral development.