College students can and should enjoy alcohol without the stigma associated with it. The alternative option would be for colleges to focus on teaching students proper drinking manners, as opposed to banning alcohol outright. The problem is not alcohol on campus but people who are not mature enough to handle it. So rather than attempt in vain to hide the bottle, colleges need to educate their students on proper drinking. First example, Colleges may host parties of their own where students can freely drink and be under the close supervision of the college administrators. Second solution would be to have an open relationship with the local bars and pubs, get them involved in helping out around the school, making them a part of the college culture.…
I know first hand some of the effects diet soda has on the body because I used to drink about 4 of them a day, but now I drink them on occasion due to the effects.…
For most singers, they have the tendency to rely on the internet to find a remedy or ideas that can help them cure their voice problems fast. Or they go to a friend, who strobly believe that they have found the right beverage or mixed drink that can help them with their vocal needs. Whether it’s a sore throat before a big show, having a head cold, or having that little tickle in the back of your throat that won’t go away, there always seems to be something out in the world that can help singers and performers with vocal problems. With endless ideas of vocal cures and new innovations, we can never truly tell what the perfect solution to heal our voices is. As professional singers, we like to put a great deal of strain on our voices, singing to much, giving the best performance of your life, etc. It's imperative to take care of the vocal cords and avoid as much damage as possible. To keep your voice sounding its best, there…
Water will not replace all the ingredients of sweat. Tonight I will inform you about Gatorade and the benefits of drinking it while exercising. You're probably asking yourself "Why should I care about Gatorade while exercising?" and the answer to that is dehydration. Dehydration is defined as the excessive loss of body fluid. First I will give you a history of Gatorade, 2nd I will tell you what Gatorade is, then I will explain how Gatorade works, and finally I will compare Gatorade against other sports drinks on the market.…
As long as college students, legal and underage, drink with responsibility on or off campus without any means of causing disturbance, destruction, or injury to themselves or others, then the schools should not be held responsible nor care, for that matter, of what students can do when it comes to any type of alcohol consumption. Even if to say a college student was to die from alcohol abuse, no matter the age, on campus, the university should still not be liable for the poor choices that student made for it wasn’t the school that made that student drink themselves to death. Each student has a conscious mind and knows how to utilize it, and if a university were to control it just because one immature student chose not to is inadmissible. However, some students may seem irresponsible with drinking habits due to the fact that they are new to…
As individuals of society we are continuously and subconsciously affected by media’s tactics to persuade us into falling victim into their marketing schemes. Witty yet brilliant individuals cough up slogans that will inevitably affect many consumers to come. The advertisement that initially captured my attention was the Gatorade Sports Drink Commercial. To start off, the advertisement contained text and visuals that demonstrated that Gatorade is a necessity to succeed in athletics. Moreover, the commercial demonstrated with the assistance of Nba Stars Dwayne Wade and Kevin Durant, you need the nutrients that Gatorade provides in order to compete in sports and to become the ultimate athlete and champion. I believe this ad creates limitations and viewers are led to believe that they must consume Gatorade due to the…
Have you been looking for how to discard the fats around you waist? Guess what today I will be giving you the amazing recipe for that.…
According to a 2009 study (Hingson et al., 2009) 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol related unintentional injuries. Even more shocking, 599,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are unintentionally injured under the influence of alcohol. So, is the solution then, to completely can alcohol from college campuses, and institute a dry campus policy? Does the ‘just say no to drugs’ campaign keep people from doing drugs? The real solution is to educate students about the dangers and consequences of excessive drinking. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and alcoholism reports, “ that 44.1 percent-nearly half-of students in the 116 colleges surveyed were binge drinkers.” (2006) “Research has shown that what’s successful in cutting down college drinking is a slow but…comprehensive attack on alcohol use on campus that targets not just the drinkers, but aspects of college life that might encourage them to take the bottle-nearby bars, liquor stores and liquor advertisors.” (Park, 2006) Schools using education programs instead of extreme measures provide alcohol-free dormitories, alcohol-free activities and provide training to restaurant and bar staff about serving…
I was wondering if I could come in and talk to you about the physical education requirements needed to graduate. I have my own strict personal workout routine that I do daily, and adding a sport would be both physically and mentally tiring. I understand that I could just stop my routine to save my time and energy for the sport, but I have done this routine for years and it keeps me fit and awakens my brain. The workout applies to my body, my strengths, and my weaknesses personally. I am contacting you to ask for a time that I can come in and talk to you about what the real benefits of and reasons that doing a sport are and how it differs from my personal workout. I also wanted to come in to ask you if there is any alternate possible way to…
According to the Colorado Gazette, Redline drink and others have been linked to health complications. Like heart problems, hypertension, and others. In Colorado, a school banned these kind of drinks and recommended a 7-11 store to stop selling these. A 15 year old girl, an athlete, was drinking the REDLINE POWER RUSH energy drink, and passed violently shaking and extreme salivitation, she died. several others have been reporting going to the er for chest tightness, shortness of breath, severe heart palpitations, increased heart rate, fixed and dilated pupils and hypertension.…
Opening day isn't even here yet, and already we have enough controversy to last us the whole season. At a time when we'd much rather be thinking about the smell of fresh cut grass, hot dogs and pennant dreams, we're forced to deal with a far darker issue. Now more than ever, there is alarming suspicion concerning apparent steroid drug use in Major League Baseball. As an avid baseball watcher and player of the game for twelve years this scandal is of great concern to me. In the time to come I will be informing you of how steroid use has tarnished baseball's image, allowed for more records to be broken unfairly and the harmful effects it has on your body.…
Every major college should ban bottomless drinking because there are so many deaths in college that have alcohol involved. Not only that, but it can cause major health issues down the road; and failing grades. Banning bottomless drinking is a very smart way to limit the amount of alcohol college students consume these days, take it from me, a college student.…
We have all heard the terms boozing, drinking to get drunk, sloshed, tanked, tipsy, tooted, and hammered. But have you ever really thought about what you were saying when you used these terms. You were saying that all that you did the night before was binge drink. Binge drinking on college campuses is something that has grown to an all time high but who’s to blame? All too often we have heard the horror stories of how kids are getting behind the wheel of a car after a night of binge drinking, and end up killing everyone involved, but themselves. Binge drinking must be stopped, but it’s easier said than done. College administrators shouldn’t be held 100 percent accountable for students actions, the idea for colleges to crack down on binge drinking…
Most college students would have the same thought process as you. They would immediately say "no way! I love my soda", this is unfortunately how the majority of America is like. If we are to change, we have to really put forth the effort for more than a day. A lot of people actually know of the risks of drinking soda but they don't do anything about it, most people treat it as if it's nothing until they start getting signals. People need to start seeing that other campuses and businesses are removing soda from their buildings as a red flag as you said. If it has been a concern for so long and such a big concern that businesses are starting to remove it, it means it's probably really bad for you. I feel like our best solution is to slowly back…
Drinking on campus is a problem that affects most college students, either directly or indirectly. I, for one, am against drinking on campus.…