Sports businesses generate substantial annual turnover. Many people participate in organised sports clubs, gyms and attend major sports events. The commercialisation of sport can be seen on the high street; well-known global sports brands have seen their products become fashion wear, and the tracksuit and trainers has become a ‘uniform’ for many groups around the world.
Sports businesses are always planning for growth, and in the future there may be expansion in the availability of services, facilities and products. Areas of work for a sporting business could include professional sport, private, public and voluntary sports clubs, arenas, stadia, community and recreation sport programmes, the sporting goods industry, media, print or broadcasting.
A large proportion of sports businesses are small companies. For example, the majority of fitness companies across Europe typically employ fewer than 10 staff, and most personal trainers, even those working within established health and fitness clubs, are self-employed.
Sports businesses face challenges because those who provide the experience cannot predict the outcome; the nature of the activity is spontaneous and the results can be uncertain. Sports businesses can earn significant portions of revenue, not just for the sale of a game but other sources such as television rights and merchandise.
3 legal influences on sports businesses
* Laws have been passed in order for it to be illegal for an employer to discriminate against a person on the grounds of their sex, marital status, age, sexual orientation, race, religion etc… * Disability discriminations act 1995/ Sex discriminations act 2000
Health and Safety * It is widely known that health and safety is a contentious issue within the work place, having numerous issues that need addressing I order to prevent injury or harm.
Health and Safety at work Act 1974
Treatment of employees * Regarding how employees