1) Introduction
For over the past few years, the planet Earth is being damaged by human activities. Buildings play a major role in that. They contribute to approximately 40% of the greenhouse gas emissions globally. Over the past 30 years, 10% of the ice burgs have been melted due to the rising temperature of Earth. The rise in temperature is caused by greenhouse gas. Therefore, green building is important today. Green building has both positive and negative impacts. Statistics have indicated that productivity will not reduce under the influence of green building and instead enhances it. Quality and standards of the buildings would improve.
The BCA green mark was launched in 2005 and it aims to promote sustainability in buildings. As a building consultant, the aim of this report is to provide building owners ways to achieve the BCA Green Mark Platinum award for the building. The pre-requisite requirement for achieving the Green Mark Platinum award is 90 points. Energy efficiency is categorized into 11 parts.
2) Green Mark Platinum
As mentioned above, the pre-requisite requirement to achieve the green mark platinum award is 90 points. Moreover, the building should save at least 30% of energy from the current value. The report will include 4 strategies to satisfy the mandatory requirements of achieving the award.
2.1 ETTV
For the building to achieve a green mark platinum award, the ETTV (calculation shown below) should be of 40 W/m2 or lower. When such value is achieved, a total of 12 points will be awarded.
The formula for calculating the green mark score for ETTV is given below:
Points scored = 1.2 x (50 - ETTV)
ETTV: Envelope Thermal transfer Value (W/m2)
Maximum permissible ETTV: 50 W/m2
For every reduction of 1 W/m2, a total of 1.2 points is awarded.
2.2 Air conditioning system
Since the building is using water cooled chilled water system, the minimum central water efficiency should be of 0.65 KW/RT for