Author: John McCreesh
Date: 8th December 2008
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 List of Contents
2.1 An Introduction to the Course
2.2 What is Energy?
2.3 Energy Generation
2.4 The Effect of Energy Generation on the Climate
2.5 Where we Use Energy in the House
2.6 Heating
2.7 Water Heating
2.8 Lighting
2.9 Electrical Appliances
2.10 Good Practices
2.11 Renewable Energy Resources
2.12 Course Review and Future Objectives 3.0 Learning Outcomes and Objectives
4.0 Recommended Reading
5.0 Conclusion
1.0 Introduction
The economy of the British Isles has not escaped the brunt of the global recession and many predict a challenging future. At a time when every individual is feeling the pinch, it is the perfect opportunity to educate the public, about energy, energy conservation in the home and how this can reduce electricity and heating bills. For this reason the theme of the course I intend to outline will be specifically targeting Mr Joe Bloggs or Joe the plumber for our American friends.
The title of the course would be “A Householders Guide to Energy and Energy Saving Techniques”. The lectures would focus on simple changes in attitude and lifelong habits that if altered, can reduce the cost of living without having to spend a fortune.
The course would firstly introduce the individual to a simplistic overview of energy and how it is produced. This would be followed by pointing out the main areas of high energy consumption in a dwelling and giving tips on how to reduce the amount of electricity and heat being wasted. The benefits to the environment, climate change and carbon reduction would also be discussed. The person would then be instructed on how to carry out a simple survey of their own home, so they can relate the information they have been given, to their own circumstances. Finally the individual would be asked to compare a weekly, and then quarterly period after changes