
Energy System Research Paper

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Energy Systems
The body contains three different types of energys systems which all work together to help us to contract our muscles and perform a variation of movements.

ATP-PC is an energy source for the body. ATP is a molecule called Adenosine triphosphate it is an energy source for all movements. The ATP-PC Adenosine triphosphate phosphocreatine is for sudden or immediate movements at high intensity, this energy source only last for a few seconds around 8-10 seconds. Muscle cells contain ATP-PC naturally, but only enough for 8-10 seconds. The ATP breaks down to perform muscle contraction, this leaves ADP adenosine diphosphate and a single Phosphate. The phosphocreatine which is already in the muscle cells gives one of its Phosphates
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Muscles contain large storages of complex carbohydrates called glycogens. Glycogens are the stored form of sugar found in our bodies. Through a complex series of chemical reactions glycogen breaks down into ATP as well as lactic acid. This system supplies ATP slower than the Phosphocreatine system. The body cannot produce enough ATP to maintain this energy source for longer than around 2 minutes. There is a limit to anaerobic respiration because of the lactic acid. The buildup of lactic acid will end up stopping the movement of the muscles are it beings to become painful. The anaerobic energy system is commonly associated with the 400m sprint, 100m swim, most teams sports and …show more content…

The times you change speed is varied as this is to imitate a race where you change speed to go up a hill or past someone at the finish line. It is effective at training the body's cardiovascular system as it trains the body to recover faster after being in the anaerobic state. The intensity of the training can cause adaptations to the body like capillarisation, strengthening of the heart muscles, improved oxygen uptake and improved flushing of lactic

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