Introduction The previous three literature reviews examine the concept of organization in the areas of knowledge organization theory, published research in knowledge organization in libraries, and personal information management. From these three reviews, a few points can be concluded. First, it can be concluded that organization is both a conception issue as well as a practice one. Second, research on and questions about organization can occur in a variety of subject domains. And lastly, that organization plays a vital role in information science and libraries. These Conclusions contribute to organization being a rich area for future observation and research. The purpose of this current literature review section is to examine the multitude of research methods that have occurred in the literature that was examined in the three previous reviews
Introduced earlier. The result of this examination will be to determine the best methods for researching personal organization practices of research scientists in comparison to traditional knowledge organization schemes used in libraries. This determination will, in turn, inform my approach for the dissertation research I pursue.
To reach this result the following literature review begins with an examination of research methods used to study knowledge organization theory. Next, the focus of the piece changes to discuss the methods used in knowledge organization research. After analysing knowledge organization, research in personal information management will be examined. Discussion then turns to the limitations of the research methods being conducted in these three areas. Lastly, this literature will evaluate the effectiveness of all these methods and suggest the most successful method for evaluating scientific personal organization practices in comparison to traditional knowledge organization schemes found in libraries. The terms used to describe methods in this
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